Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I heard her laugh for the first time yesterday. It wasn't just one of her little squeals but a wholesome little girl bubbly laugh. It was so infectious that I started laughing too. I immediately tried to call Erick to share this moment with him but of course she would not repeat it again. I tried to capture it on film but my attempts to elicit another giggle were futile. I think this is one of the most amazing things about parenthood is watching your child blossom. They truly do. It's like watching a plant grow from a seedling to a flower. Everyday you stumble upon something new. It's a good thing that somebody invented the digital camera or I would be running out of film everyday trying to capture all her "first:" The first time she made a "poo-poo" face, the first time she smiled, the first time she started sucking her thumb, the first time she started cooing, the first time she started playing with her activity mat,
the first time she was able to hold her head up, the first time she was able to hold her bottle,
to the first time she started playing with her toes. You almost can't wait to see what she will be able to do next. It is a little bittersweet, though, because in the back of your mind, you can't help but think how fast she is growing and how time is just flying by.

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