Saturday, March 19, 2005


Why did I use this name for my first ever blogger?? It's because I can't shake it. This was a nickname my boyfriend (now husband) gave me years ago to describe me. I guess because I AM soft and squishy all over. Never got rid of the baby fat I guess. As a practical joke, he had used that name for my first email account. To this day I still use it. What's so funny is I cringe whenever people at work or in a professional type setting ask me for my email address. So I quickly spell it out instead of saying it in hopes that they wouldn't notice. I keep telling myself that I will make a more formal business type of email name, but I can't. Even now when trying to find something creative for my blogger title that seems to be the only thing that sticks. I guess it's appropriate because when I think about myself, I am a big softie. Soft on the inside and out...and no matter how I try to reshape myself both physically and mentally that is how I will always stay.