Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cuties Wanted!

I hate to admit it but I became "one of those" moms. My work was holding a casting call for their advertising campaign. At the behest of some of my coworkers and my mom, I decided to give it a try. I wasn't the only one who thought their kid was a cutie. Apparently over 800 other parents thought so too. We arrived there when the doors opened but to my dismay, 200 kids had already shown up at the crack of dawn before the casting started. I almost turned around to go home not wanting to put Isa through all that but we had gone through all the trouble of waking up early, bathing, finding a parking spot that I was determined to wait it out. I told myself that the minute she shows any fussiness I would pull out of it but amazingly she kept a pleasant disposition the whole time. The judges were going to pick two from each age group and a "people's choice." I thought Isa might have a chance because of her having some unusual features like a full head of hair at such a young age. Plus there were not many asian babies there.

Constipated Headshot They Took of Her

Unfortunately despite all of our friends voting for her (thank you) she was not picked as a Florida Hospital cutie. She finished out with 91 votes. (To be honest I don't know if some of the parents played fair. One kid got over 3000 votes in 2 days. Who knows that many people?)

Winners of the Casting Call (Note: No Asians Wanted)

I was so proud of her though for putting up with this shinanagan. It was definitely an experience. It gave us a taste of what it would be like to go through casting calls. Kudos to parents and kids that can do this but I don't think I can put Isa through that again no matter how cute I think she is.

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