Sunday, May 20, 2007

Another milestone accomplished!

Babies must have an internal timer that tells them when to accomplish another milestone. I can't believe Isa has done three in less than a month. Three weeks ago she could barely even creep. Today she is all over the place. I can't keep my eyes off of her for one second for fear of what she might get herself into. With her tiny little arms she hangs onto bins or crib rails and pulls the rest of her up into a standing position. Her little legs are still wobbly but she manages to keep herself upright. In less than a second she can crawl from one end of the room to the other.
How did she know that it was 6 months and it was time to get moving? One minute she was lying in her crib, I turned around and the next minute she had grabbed the rails and stood herself up beaming proudly at her accomplishment. It is remarkable how much upper body strength she has. Gone are the days of leaving her on the bed for a quick bathroom break. Time to do what I've been dreading to do: babyproofing the house. I don't mind though for one second if it means waking up to a greeting from Isa standing in her crib with a big grin on her face.

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