Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

I came home from work last night to find that Erick had cleaned the house inside and out so that I would not have to do anything today. In fact he had worked himself so hard that I had to give him a back cracking and a heel rubbing before going to bed. He didn't stop there. I should've known he was going to go all out. Gift giving is one of his forte. I woke up early this morning to check on Isa and found to my delight, two dozen beautiful red roses and a neatly wrapped present sitting in the nursery.
He had bought me a digital frame! It reads straight from a memory card and has the option to display the digital photos via slideshow or still photo.
I had spied this at Target before and I know this did not come cheap. Thank you Erick. (You know you don't have to keep buying all these things for me. A card and a day out with you two would have sufficed.) He then treated me out at Brio's and a nice walk inside Millenia Mall where we found 3 awesome pop up books for Isa (and Erick:o) ). I can't wait for the day when she will fully appreciate these. Right know she is all about grabbing and putting it in her mouth. Last week I tried to read to her Wizard of Oz from Erick's Sabuda collection and she almost ripped one of the pages. Whew! Luckily Erick intervened and saved the book. Unfortunately Erick had to work at 4 so our day as a family was cut short. Isa and I spent the rest of the evening at a baptism party my coworker had thrown at Baldwin Park. Everywhere I went, people would see me with Isa and greet me a "Happy Mother's Day." It was a very nice feeling to have finally joined the ranks of these special women.

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