Saturday, July 14, 2007


It seems that once you become a parent most of your senses are heightened (when you are around the baby). For example you develop a keen sense of smell (for baby poop that is). I just surprised myself when I was able to sniff out the tiniest morsel of excrement before Erick did. A peek into her diaper and sure enough I was right. Smell isn't the only thing that improves. My hearing also seems to have gotten better. I swear I could hear Isa whimpering before the monitor picks it up. I know I've surprised Erick before when I was able to hear Isa from way across the other side of the house with the shower on. I now have the ability to tune in to her crying when I'm outside with the lawn mower. Believe it or not my sight has gotten sharper. After I delivered, I had my eyes checked and they are -.25 better. Maybe it is so I can pick up the tiniest piece of hairball on the floor before Isa does or so that I could trim her tiny little finger nails without drawing blood. What about the ability to multitask? Not your ordinary everyday act of it but the breastfeeding a baby, while taking a test on the computer, and answering the telephone (not next to me) kind. My eye hand coordination has gotten quicker. How else can a parent catch a falling object from a shelf that a baby swipes or intercept little hands that are about to grab a bowl full of baby food. Not to mention the act of balancing. I never knew before I had Isa that I could hold a baby in one arm, a diaper bag on the other shoulder, a car seat on the other hand, and push a big luggage. The muscles in my arms especially the right one have definitely toned up. No doubt from carrying Isa on one arm for hours on end (which seems to be the only way she will walk around the store with me.) I joke around that I am going to be that guy in the movie "Lady in the Water" with the one huge arm. Too bad my tummy isn't included in all of this superpower package. I think mother nature leaves that one alone so that Isa has a comfy place to sit when I am carrying her:)

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