Friday, September 07, 2007

Marley and Me

I was talking to one of my coworkers last week about my troubles with Bailey. Ever since I had Isa my patience for him has been short and my irritation of him larger. (It doesn't help that he has been having more accidents lately and that some of his other annoying habits have never gone away.) She said this happens sometimes to mothers and assured me that it would go away. Meanwhile she suggested that I read "Marley and Me." I had been wanting to read it anyway since I heard it was going to be made into a movie. I was also secretly hoping that I would gain my appreciation back for Bailey. I'm only on page 40 since I've only been able to get to it when I read it out loud to Isa. I cracked up when I reached this part of the book. It might as well as had Bailey written all over it:
"...whenever someone rang the bell, he would streak across the house, going into a full skid as he approached the foyer, careening across the wood floors, tossing up the throw rugs as he slid and not stopping until he crashed into the door with a loud thud. He then would hop up on his hind legs, yelping wildly, his big head filling the tiny window to stare straight into the face of whoever was on the other was as if Cujo had just jumped out of the Stephen King novel and the only thing that stood between them and a merciless mauling was our wooden door."

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