Sunday, September 02, 2007

Beautiful Girl

One of our favorite pastimes with Isa is dancing. I think we do it so often now with certain songs that as soon as she hears the music play a smile comes across her face. She loves dancing to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" from the CD Dreamtime Lullabies redone beautifully in guitar strings by Carlos Villalobos. She also loves it when I dance with her to the modern version "No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed" which is completely digitally rocked out and sounds like something that could be used for a cardio workout. She seems to love it when I start doing the "grapevine" move while I'm carrying her. She seems to anticipate certain parts of the music where the tempo picks up and our rhythm changes. At these parts she starts smiling as if she knows what will follow. We've just started to notice her swaying or bouncing to the music on her own. I hope she gains an appreciation for all different kinds of music like her father does. I know he will appreciate this if she does. I recently recorded the two dancing to the song "Beautiful Girl." (I wish that I did not have to compress it so much but I could not upload it to You Tube otherwise.) I hope she inherits her dad's rhythm as well. When he was younger he really impressed me with how he dance. I still remember the dance off he had with Claire Santos when I attended Eunice's birthday party back in highschool. He will probably blush when he sees that I have made mention of this. I know that when Isa gets older he will teach her a thing or two, hopefully.

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