Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where has the time gone...

Where has the time gone. I went to the darkside for a little while and let my blogger go but I am feeling the urge to start again just so that I could savor these moments with my two little ones. They are growing up so fast and time just seems to pass by so quickly nowadays. I think all I could do to catch up is to just post some of my favorite pics from the past year and go from there.

I think this was taken in Jan of 2008. Isa was just 14 months. This was one of her first experiences with the slide which is now one of her favorite pastimes. I love the look on her face here so full glee.
Isa and I visited my mom in Charleston. Isa's cousin Gabriel came over to see Isa. Too bad I was holding the camera at a wrong angle but I was able to capture their first dance together for the most part. Too cute. I can't believe how small Isa looks here.

Bubbletime! Isa loves bubbles so much her dad bought her a bubble machine. We turned it on and she just went to town. She was so happy.

I love these pictures of Erick and Isa taken at Cocoa Beach in the late spring of 2008. It brings a smile to my face everytime I see them. He can be so funloving with her. I love to hear her infectious laugh when she gets tickled in the neck by his kisses. I hope their relationship will always be this way even when she grows up to be a teenager.

This was on Erick's birthday weekend last year. Ricky decided to visit his brother and we took him to Epcot since it had been awhile for him. I think we were pretty much done with the park and Erick had thrown Isa on his shoulder. I liked the soft quality of this picture and of course, Isa's big smile.

Although this picture came out a little blurry, I liked this picture of the two brothers swinging Isa. It looked like a good bonding moment between the three of them.

Isa was eating the standard filipino breakfast of eggs, rice, and tomato. I know it's probably not funny to see your baby gag but she did it with perfect timing just as I was done asking her if she liked the food.

Lalaine and Joe came down to visit us before Nico was born. We took them to Tampa and stopped to eat at a oceanside restaurant before going to the beach. Here we are cheering Isa on with a virgin daquiri. I think Lalaine was already hammered before our food came out which we teased her about endlessly that day.

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